As of November 27, Apple suspended 733 Apps from Apple's China App Store,including Pinduoduo(buyer version), Sogou Maps and Sogou Navigation and Xunfei reader. Earlier, Apple dropped 14,000 Apps in May and more than 20,000 Apps in China in June.

Android stores have been unaffected and users who have already downloaded the apps can stil use them.

PDD(Pingduoduo) is announcing "The latest version of iOS client (buyer version) has technical bugs, which lead to short-term shelving. The company has been in contact with Apple officials and will be on the shelf as soon as possible after emergency repairs.

PDD released their financial results for the third-quarter of 2018,on November 20.In the report it was notes that revenues,mpnthly users and active buyers all increased significantly in the preceding 12 months,with monthly active users increasing by 71.1 million(226%) from the same point in 2017.

It is reported that all App in Apple Store has to be audited and rejected by Apple with any reasons. When the rules are updated, the APP's owner must give a response to Apple store at the first time. Media reported that many App have been removed because of the IAP (In App Purchase) payment mechanism of Apple Store.By purchasing virtual items through the Apple Store, Apple will take 30% commission.

Greater China is Apple's largest market outside the United States.That has left the company more vulnerable than almost any other US technology firm to a Chinese campaign to wean itself off foreign technology and tighten control over foreign tech companies operating there.

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